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Carrickmnes retained the Peter Brown Trophy in a match played at New Square, Trinity College, last Saturday, April 14th. Carrickmines sent a preponderately strong team, so some ties were played off handicap. The DUCC lawns showed a big improvement over their recent condition, and long breaks were possible, but no peeling turn was completed. The weather was glorious.



Results (DUCC names first):


Enda Coyle & Daniel Isseman lost to Jane Shorten & Jane O Neill -10

Conor Broderick & Daniel Kelleher beat Leo Dungan & Simon WIlliams +7

Jamie Burke & Conor Nash lost to Evan Newell & Joe Cunningham -5


Broderick lost to Williams -26

Coyle lost to Dungan -8

Ciara Byrne lost to Shorten -8

Isseman lost to O'Neill -8

Nash lost to Cunningham -10

Kelleher lost to Newell -6



Report courtesy of S.Williams