CAI Calendar

Latest News

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Kieran Murphy reaches finals of NZ National GC

Kieran Murphy began his New Zealand croquet endeavours in style by reaching the finals of the NZ Nationals. Beating two of the highly successful Kiwi test team in the knockout, he was eventually defeated by former U-21 World Champion Duncan Dixon.
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Christmas Greetings

The CAI would like to wish all our members and friends a Very Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.
We would especially like to wish Harry Johnston, one of our stalwarts, a full and speedy recovery from his recent illness as he recovers in hospital. We are sure all our members and friends from abroad will join us in these good wishes.

CCJ Golf Croquet Teams World Championship

Tier 1 - Johannesburg, Nov. 25-Dec. 2, 2012

Simon Williams report on the Irish Team's experience at the CCJ Golf Croquet Teams World Championship in South Africa. Now with photographs

Progress on new Cabinteely lawn

Work on drainage is in progress on the new croquet court at Cabinteely Park, undertaken by Dun Laoghaire / Rathdown County Council, with contractors Peter O Brien of Malahide. Se photos below.

News from Herbert Park Croquet Club

This year, 2012, Herbert Park Croquet Club celebrated its 25th birthday with
a party, and games, on the lawn. Currently there are 36 members including

WCF Coaching Week 2013.

The World Croquet Federation are running a week course in coaching and refereeing in spring 2013 near Brighton, England. This course can be subsidised by the WCF and by the CAI. Please consider attending this course to increase the number of qualified officials available to the CAI.

Waterville Tournament Report

On 6th & 7th October Waterville Lake Croquet Society held their first Tournament to celebrate the official opening of the club. This is the report, with photos, of the weekend from Marion O'Neill of the local club.

Andrew Johnston European Croquet Champion 2012

European Croquet Championships 2012

Andrew Johnston from Newcastle Co. Wicklow rounded off an excellent season on the croquet lawns with a memorable win in the final of the European Championships.