CAI Calendar

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Coaching Course May 2016

The CAI, as a member of the World Croquet Federation has received an invitation to nominate candidates for a coaching course from 3rd May 2016. It covers Association or Golf Croquet and also has a module for training coaches in both games followed by a 2 day tournament.
Applications should be through the CAI for grant approval and place allocation.
Anyone interested should email Nathaniel at
See the following documents.
Download: Copy of the invitation email
Download: The details of the course

2016 Championship Entry

The entry forms for the 2016 Championships of Ireland, and the Championships of Co Dublin are now available. Click item in Special Notices.

Interested Spectators

Spectators are always welcome at the international matches and at the Open Championships.
Do come along and see croquet being played at the highest level. We have frequently had world champions playing in these competitions and they are very interesting to watch, even if many of us are wondering exactly why they played a particular stroke. There will be many experienced players watching also who would be very happy to explain what is happening.

Irish Golf Croquet World Team Championship Squad preparation underway!

The extended Irish squad for the upcoming World Team Golf Croquet Championships has been named and their preparations for the event have began in earnest. The group are aiming to improve upon their performance in the last tournament in Johannesburg where they performed somewhat below potential. 

Ireland regain the McWeeney Trophy.

The McWeeney match, between the CAI and the CA, has not been played for since 2012 and seemed doomed for this year also, until a conversation with Richard Stevens of Hamptworth during last A

CAI Squad for WGCTC May 2016

A squad has been formed (Evan Newell, Patsy Fitzgerald, Simon Williams, Jack Clingan, Fred Rogerson, Charlie von Schmeider, Mark Stephens) from whom a team of five will eventually be selected to represent Ireland at the World Golf Croquet Team Championship to be held in London next May. Danny Johnston will manage the Squad's practice.
Danny will also be the sole Irish representative at the World AC Championship in Florida next April.

McWeeney Trophy 2015

The match between the CAI and the English CA will, after a break of two years, be held this coming weekend at Hamptworth in Wiltshire.
The Irish team will be:
Nathaniel Healy (C)
Alan Looney
Gerard Osborne Bourke
Frank Martin
Daniel Bennett
John Francis Martin.
England is the current holder of the trophy, so we will be doing our best to regain it.

Herbert Park Fundraising AC Event

Herbert Park Croquet Club are having a fundraising AC competition on the 1st November to raise moneys to maintain their lawns. First prize is a valuable Toro lawnmower.

Irish Golf Croquet Championship 2015 - Report

Jack Clingan is the new Golf Croquet Champion. He beat the defending champion, Simon Williams,5/7. 7/5, 7/5 in a fairly tame final at Carrickmines on the 12th/13th of September. Carrickmines looked its best in the bright sunshine, and the comfortable clubhouse was most appreciated during the sometimes heavy rain. Lunches were provided by Carrickmines regulars, “No Hassle Catering”. The lawns were also surprisingly fast. Photos by Alan Looney